Are children confused with English grammar? What is it? How you can solve it? Grammar means 'shapes of expressions' and 'structure of wording' in a glorious English language. You are poor if you are not perfect in English grammar.
If you are looking for an excellent resource for English grammar, then your search will end here. For that Sunsoft gives you the best application that is "English Grammar". This is the best way to improve your Grammar at home, on the move, anywhere! Our app contains everything regarding English Grammar with natural examples. So that you or your kids can learn smoothly. Have a look on its best features.
Features :
1. Learning Lesson :
In this section, we provide several learning materials, so that kids can learn grammar by their own. Lessons of grammar such as Articles(a,an,the), Vowels(a, e, o..), Demonstratives(This,That,These,Those), Greetings(Hi,Hello,Good Morning,so on) , Verbs, Noun, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronoun, Conjunction and Tenses like Past Tense, Present Tense, Future Tense available with suitable examples.
2. Game/Practice :
In this portion, we have provided various awesome games with joy full content, so that kids can learn the grammar with full of fun.
3. Story :
In Story part, we have included small pretty stories for kids with videos, question and answers.
Grammar is the sound, structure, and the meaning system of language. All languages have grammar, and each has its own grammar. People who are native speakers, able to communicate easily because they intuitively know the grammar system and able to recognize the sounds of English language.
Words, the meanings of those words, and the different ways of placing in clauses gathered make meaningful sentences.
The application covers many features of English grammar and you will frequently have the advanced features from this app in upcoming versions.
Apakah anak-anak bingung dengan tata bahasa Inggris? Apa itu? Bagaimana Anda bisa mengatasinya? 'Bentuk ekspresi' berarti tata bahasa dan 'struktur kata-kata' dalam bahasa Inggris yang mulia. Anda miskin jika Anda tidak sempurna dalam tata bahasa Inggris.
Jika Anda mencari sumber yang bagus untuk tata bahasa Inggris, maka pencarian Anda akan berakhir di sini. Untuk itu SunSoft memberikan aplikasi terbaik yang "Tata Bahasa Inggris". Ini adalah cara terbaik untuk meningkatkan Grammar Anda di rumah, bergerak, di mana saja! Aplikasi kami berisi segala sesuatu mengenai Tata Bahasa Inggris dengan contoh-contoh alami. Sehingga Anda atau anak-anak Anda dapat belajar dengan lancar. Silahkan lihat pada fitur-fiturnya terbaik.
Fitur :
Pelajaran 1. Belajar:
Pada bagian ini, kami menyediakan beberapa bahan belajar, sehingga anak-anak dapat belajar tata bahasa oleh mereka sendiri. Pelajaran tata bahasa seperti Artikel (a, an, the), Vokal (a, e, o ..), demonstratif (ini, itu, ini, Mereka), Salam (Hi, Hello, Selamat Pagi, seterusnya), Verbs , Noun, Kata Sifat, Keterangan, Pronoun, konjungsi dan Tenses seperti Past Tense, Present Tense, Future Tense tersedia dengan contoh-contoh yang sesuai.
2. Permainan / Praktek:
Dalam bagian ini, kami telah menyediakan berbagai macam permainan yang mengagumkan dengan sukacita isi penuh, sehingga anak-anak bisa belajar tata bahasa dengan penuh menyenangkan.
3. Cerita:
Di Story bagian, kami telah menyertakan cerita cukup kecil untuk anak-anak dengan video, pertanyaan dan jawaban.
Grammar adalah suara, struktur, dan sistem makna bahasa. Semua bahasa memiliki tata bahasa, dan masing-masing memiliki tata bahasa sendiri. Orang yang penutur asli, mampu berkomunikasi dengan mudah karena mereka secara intuitif mengetahui sistem tata bahasa dan mampu mengenali suara bahasa Inggris.
Kata, makna kata-kata, dan cara yang berbeda menempatkan di klausa berkumpul membuat kalimat bermakna.
Aplikasi ini mencakup banyak fitur dari tata bahasa Inggris dan Anda akan sering memiliki fitur canggih dari aplikasi ini dalam versi yang akan datang.
Are children confused with English grammar? What is it? How you can solve it? Grammar means 'shapes of expressions' and 'structure of wording' in a glorious English language. You are poor if you are not perfect in English grammar.
If you are looking for an excellent resource for English grammar, then your search will end here. For that Sunsoft gives you the best application that is "English Grammar". This is the best way to improve your Grammar at home, on the move, anywhere! Our app contains everything regarding English Grammar with natural examples. So that you or your kids can learn smoothly. Have a look on its best features.
Features :
1. Learning Lesson :
In this section, we provide several learning materials, so that kids can learn grammar by their own. Lessons of grammar such as Articles(a,an,the), Vowels(a, e, o..), Demonstratives(This,That,These,Those), Greetings(Hi,Hello,Good Morning,so on) , Verbs, Noun, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronoun, Conjunction and Tenses like Past Tense, Present Tense, Future Tense available with suitable examples.
2. Game/Practice :
In this portion, we have provided various awesome games with joy full content, so that kids can learn the grammar with full of fun.
3. Story :
In Story part, we have included small pretty stories for kids with videos, question and answers.
Grammar is the sound, structure, and the meaning system of language. All languages have grammar, and each has its own grammar. People who are native speakers, able to communicate easily because they intuitively know the grammar system and able to recognize the sounds of English language.
Words, the meanings of those words, and the different ways of placing in clauses gathered make meaningful sentences.
The application covers many features of English grammar and you will frequently have the advanced features from this app in upcoming versions.